Adakah Masa Depan untuk Lukisan Kaca Cirebon
Rastika, Pembuat Batik (hitam Putih), 85 x 122 cm
Dulu disakralkan, kini lukisan kaca dari Cirebon dipandang tak lebih sebagai kerajinan berharga murah.
Bentara Budaya Jakarta (BBJ) menggelar pameran “Warisan Budaya, Wangsa Cerbon-Dermayu” pada 13-23 Juni 2013 yang menampilkan topeng (kedok), gerabah, batik, wayang, dan lukisan kaca. Dari latar belakang sejarahnya, lukisan kaca di Cerbon dan...
Contemporary Dialog between Two Countries in Indonesia-Korea Art Exhibition
Celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relationship between South Korea-Indonesia, Association of Korean Contemporary Artists works together with South Korea Embassy and Indonesian National Gallery (Galeri Nasional Indonesia/GNI) organized the second Korean contemporary art exhibition in 14-25 June 2013 in Exhibition Hall C of Indonesian National Gallery – Jakarta. This exhibition involved 32 Korean artists...
The Forgotten Two of the Mazhab Bandung
Two visual artists of the Mazhab Bandung (Bandung school) – Haryadi Suadi and Tarcisius Sutanto – exhibit their work at the Galeri Soemardja at the Bandung Institute of Technology, from 7 to 24 May 2013. The showcase reminds the public of a particular artistic movement and era that has since positioned Bandung as a...
Meta-Amuk, the Social Reality of Indonesia’s Arts
There is a serious mission implied in Pameran Seni Rupa Nusantara 2013 (Indonesia’s Art Exhibition 2013), with Meta-Amuk as its theme. Showcasing artworks of 115 artists from 25 provinces, this bienalle exhibition in National Gallery (Galeri Nasional Indonesia/GNI) serves a vision to deconstruct the tradition of violence in the social political life of the...
Bringing Classical Narrative in Contemporary Civilization
Bandung is known for its modern and contemporary art scene. Roemah Seni Sarasvati sees this as a challenge when it organized a Classical Balinese Fine Art titled “Selaksa Makna dalam Keindahan Rupa” (Thousand of Meanings underneath the Fine Beauty) by capturing Ramayana and Mahabharata as inspirations. Will this exhibition be welcomed?
There are many things...
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