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Painting & Photography

Merasakan Percampuran Emosi Gambar – Tari – Musik

Seniman asal Belanda, Noella Roos, memamerkan 20 karya drawing dalam pamerannya yang bertajuk “Between the Lines” pada 14-31 Agustus 2015 di Sangkring Art Space, Bali. Gambar-gambar berukuran besar Noella menampilkan karya yang dihasilkannya dari sebuah kolaborasi antara musik – tarian – gambar. Untuk kolaborasi ini, Noella mengajak Fendy Rizk, seorang pemain contrabass asal Jawa...

The Forgotten Coastal Art

Since the previous century, the coastal area of Tuban has become a cross-cultural center. It is quite unfortunate that the cultural merge has turned the coastal spirit of the artists low. Close to none, even. A man with protruded belly is sitting on a stone. The quirky thing about this imagery is that the anonymous...

Banten’s Artists in Action

How do these artists view Banten? A nest of political dynasty of Ratu Atut? A nest of mystical reigns? Fifty four artists gather around in National Gallery of Indonesia (GNI), on the previous Tuesday (22 October 2013). They bring various artworks together; in forms of paintings, photographs, statues, and installation in an exhibition titled “It’s...

Another Vision of Indonesia in “Garden of the East”

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, held Indonesian photography exhibition titled "Garden of the East". The exhibition showing Indonesian photography during 1850 to 1940 is open from 21 February to 22 June 2014. When we mention Indonesia today some people will think of landscapes of leisure on Bali: tropical beach and mountain resorts, ancient Hindu temples,...

Sketsa Perjalanan Spiritualitas Romo Mudji Sutrisno

Warna sebagai entitas dalam seni rupa, memiliki simbol dan makna yang sering kali berkaitan dengan spiritualitas. Inilah yang ditampilkan Mudji Sutrisno SJ dalam pameran tunggalnya di Galeri Cipta 3, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 8-17 Januari 2014. Sebagai pastur umat Katolik, Mudji Sutrisno SJ tentulah memahami perjalanan hidup dari sisi spiritualitas. Salah satunya ketika ia memahami...