M. Irfan
Mohammad Irfan, who is often called as M. Irfan, is a painter who was born in Bukittinggi, in 19 October 1972. He is regarded as one of the best-selling Indonesian visual artists in the contemporary art world. His works are being pursued by collectors and are often appearing in auction houses. His paintings are mostly huge in...
Raka Pudja, A A Gde
Born in 1932 in Banjar Padangtegal, Ubud, Raka Pudja is the father of Anak Agung Gde Anom Sukawati, and the son of Anak Agung Gde Meregeg. As he got more involved with Golongan Pelukis Ubud, his anatomical figures tend to be more realistic and volumetric. However, still, he is holding on to Balinese traditional decorative...
Ida Bagus Putu Sena
Born in Tebesaya - Ubud in 1966, Sena started to paint seriously since he was 23, after learning the skill from his father, Ida Bagus Wiri, a Pita Maha alumnus and from his famous uncle, Ida Bagus Made (Poleng). Previously, he almost considered of taking chemistry as his further study but due to the financial difficulty, he dropped his idea.
Sena’s works are very intricate and rich in...
Anak Agung Gde Anom Sukawati
Born in 1966, Anak Agung Gde Anom Sukawati or affectionately known as Anom, has been a well-kept secret among Balinese art collectors. Anak Agung Gde Meregeg, his grandfather, was one of the first generation of painters during the Pitamaha era. Anak Agung Gde Raka Pudja, his father, is also a painter who studied under...
I Nyoman Mejaare
Born in 1952, Meja first learnt to paint from his teachers, I Nyoman Sinom and I Wayan Serati. In 1970, he met Rudolf Bonnet and this has enabled him to further pursue his modern vision in art. First starting out with various themes of paintings, it was not until the 1980s that Nyoman Meja...
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