1. Archive & Art Gallery
Roemah Seni Sarasvati provides publicly-accessible knowledge, especially to young generation, regarding the History of Bandung. By knowing and understanding the birth of Bandung, it is expected to support the national building characters of the young generation. Various art collections in Roemah Seni Sarasvati is provided for the general public to be familiar of Indonesian artists and their artworks.
2. Exhibition Room & Discussion Space
The spaces in Roemah Seni Sarasvati are available for the community to use to discuss ideas, in forms of meetings, discussions, workshops, and seminars.
3. Art Café
The Art Café offers a piece of calmness amidst the crowded city. Communities can enjoy west Javanese traditional cuisines, namely bamboo rice, stir-fry rice, carp soup, and other fascinating menus. For those who enjoy coffee, Art Café also offers various choices such as Tjia Lie Hong coffee, Aromatic Black Coffee, Cappuccino, Espresso, and others.