Sarasvati Art Management

Sarasvati is an independent arts-research and management company that combines the strength of art market analysis and journalism. Our 4 main services are: research, consultation, education and promotion. We provide compentently researched consultation and information to collectors and public through training and publication. We also assist artists in increasing their ‘added-value’ of their artworks by organizing artist-programs and other art activities.

Sarasvati retains a wide and strong network among artists, collectors, art activists and enthusiasts which are supported by prominet curators and Lin Che Wei as financial advisor in the art market.


Contact us

Sarasvati Art Management
Gedung Kantor Pos Cikini, Lantai 2
Jl. CIkini Raya No. 3, Jakarta
T. 319 25 666 | 319 26 111
F. 315 23 82