BIASA ArtSpace will celebrate the official opening of their new gallery in Jakarta on April 13, 2013. The gallery, located on the 2nd floor of the BIASA building in Kemang, will launch featuring well-established contemporary artist Sara Nuytemans ‘Observatories of the Self’, a series of installations including the use of reflective media, light and technology to create spaces or constellations that help raise awareness of the self and the surrounding environment of the audience. The installations, exhibited previously at Gwangju Biennale 2012, s.14 in Bandung and Maldoror Gallery in The Netherlands, are a reflection of her research into important questions that often plague humanity: Why are we here? What is our role as human beings?

BIASA ArtSpace Jakarta

Jalan kemang raya 20, kemang,
jakarta 12730 | indonesia
t: +62 (0)21 71796264

Tuesday – Sunday 11 am – 6 pm
Sunday & public holiday by appointment

Exhibition : April 13, 2013 – May 15, 2013