From Connoisseurship To Technical Art History Comments From Art Conservator Renate Kant
Since the content of the Fine Art Round Table Discussion in Jakarta 24 May 2012 is circulating, it is with great interest and excitement that I am connected with the topic and arguments shared. I enjoyed the openness and quality of the discourse to work on creating objective insights and new judgments. The OHD...
An Open Letter from Jim Supangkat
(Infrastructure, Museum, History) of Indonesian Art - English Version
Renate Kant and Helena Spanjaard's writings in should complement the "Fine Art Round Table Discussion: Indonesian Modern Paintings”, held in May 24, 2012 at the National Gallery, Jakarta.
When I was asked to speak at the discussion, I was assured by the organizers that the planned...
The OHD Museum Saga : An Open Letter to the Indonesian Art World
First of all, private and public cultural institutions must be differentiated. In the European/UK model, high levels of accountability are levied on museums because public trust is tied to public funding. The OHD museum is primarily a private initiative. The OHD museum is not funded by tax payers' money. OHD pays for the works...
Open Letters from Tedjabayu
It is such an honor for me to be present in this forum attended by respected stakeholders of fine arts. Your expertises are of no doubt. There are Mr. Hong Djien, Mr. Goen – my commander at ISAI, Mr. Enin, Mr. Jim Supangkat, Mr. Dadang Christanto, Mr. Malela, and many other faces I am...
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